

Payment Method: EFTPOS for Online Payments


What is EFTPOS?

  • EFTPOS is an abbreviation for Electronic Funds Transfer at Point Of Sale.
  • It's a popular payment system in Australia, providing a quick, efficient way to pay for goods and services.
  • The Premium Way accepts EFTPOS for online payments, providing an easy and convenient way for our customers to purchase products.

How Does EFTPOS Work?

  • Select EFTPOS as your payment method at checkout.
  • Enter your card details into the secure form.
  • Confirm your payment - it's that simple!

Advantages of Using EFTPOS

  • Secure: Your card details are encrypted and fully protected.
  • Convenient: Pay instantly online without any hassles.
  • No Extra Fees: There are no additional fees when paying with EFTPOS.

Please note: The Premium Way does not sell tobacco products. Consequently, we do not accept EFTPOS payments for the purchase of tobacco. We are a 100% GST-registered, compliant, and legal store in Australia that ships worldwide.
